Monday, May 26, 2014


C1 met at the local Roses dept. store in Jacksonville, NC with some local MC's for a Memorial Day ride. We ended the ride at the Vietnam/Beirut Memorial at Camp Johnson. DJ was asked to speak and then have prayer. Awesome opportunity to reach out to a couple of MC's we haven't had the chance to meet yet. God blessed us with gorgeous weather and no wrecks or mechanical problems. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our two new Prospects (top photo) Ralph Drinkwater on the left and Ken Lindsey second from right. 
Today is not about ball games or races or BBQ's, it's a time set aside to honor the Brave men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice so you and I can have the freedoms we enjoy everyday. Remember freedom isn't free, it was bought and paid for with the blood of our service men and women on far away battle fields most of us will never see. So as you ride along on our highways and back roads with the wind in your face, take the time to thank God that we had men and women willing to go and pay that price. To all my Brothers and Sisters who are still serving, and have served in the past, and to the families of the ones who paid the price.......from the bottom of my heart.....Thank You for your service and sacrifice. May God richly Bless you and yours.
D.J. West