Friday, September 17, 2010


Well - Here it is!!!
Word on the street is that PSYCHO ‘SLEEPS’ on his new bike.  LOL.
He purchased (or is in the process of purchasing, aren’t we all) a new ride.
It’s a Honda something-or-other (I forgot. So you can ask him yourself!).
He’s got the thing making more noise than most of the HD’s in the group.
He’s riding it everywhere he goes!  And is loving it.  He had been jonesin’ for a bike since his Triumph started falling apart, I mean needed some repairs.

Truth be known.. most of the HD’s in the group are DOWN right now.
I swear.. I’m going to start WAVING the monthly dues for anyone that RIDES to the meetings!
Starting in JANUARY!  Yep, that’s it… see if that makes you get your bike up and running!  HAH!

Anyway.. watch out for PSYCHO out there on the highways and bi-ways… he is riding fast and you can’t stop him! 

Praise the Lord - Live to Ride -  Ride to Live