Saturday, December 19, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
This NEXT SUNDAY (20th December)... is a ride to remember.
Joel has organized a toy give-away ride in the neighborhoods near his home.
Anyone that feels led - please be at Joel's Home at NOON on Sunday.
He will have purchased all the toys already but would definitely take donations (toys).
The route is to be announced, but will certainly be into under privileged areas - where the kids are not likely to see such a great Christmas.
So REV-UP your bike!!! Let's make some noise and give away some toys (hey, I'm a poet).
Be there to join in the blessing,
(if you don't know where Joel lives - ASK... that can not be used as an excuse)
New Officers for C1
Howdy all,
Chapter One held our 2009 year-end meeting last night.
After a recap of the year's adventures and voting in Wayne as our newest prospect, and Alec stating hang-around status... we had our Officer Elections and the results are:
Sec/Treasure - PLUG
Sergeant at Arms - LEE
Road Captain - PO BOY
Thank you everyone that enjoyed this year with us and we hope to RIDE more in 2010 as well as accomplish great thing - as the Lord leads.
Blessings to you,
Keep it between the ditches.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Rest In Piece
Friends and Soldiers,
TINY'S grandfather passes away last Saturday.
If you get a chance give him a call or fire off an email.
He would really appreciate it.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009

HOWDY ALL... it's that time of the year again!
Time for our 3RD Annual SLIM JIM MEMORIAL RIDE!
Fun is had by all on this event... YOU DONT WANNA MISS IT!
If you don't know, Slim Jim used to ride with us Christian Soldiers, but is now Flying High in the Sky.
He was a Christian man here on earth and so is now at Jesus' side! Ask anyone of us guys how to guarantee your free ticket into Heaven! We are always willing and ready to tell ya about God's goodness!
May we all find our way (at the appropriate times) to Jesus' side as He calls to us and says... "Well done my good and faithful servant".
The ride is on OCTOBER 17th, 2009
Registration is 9AM-10:30AM
We ride an awesome relaxing loop for about an HOUR and then we chow down on some good grub!
Registration Fee is $10 per person.
See ya there,
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A big THANK YOU to all who helped out on our recent Wounded Warrior Project Poker Run.
We collected $770 to give to the foundation (Wounded Warrior Project).
Thank you to LEE for personally flying down to Jacksonville Florida to the Wounded Warrior Project Headquaters and delivering our donation in person!!!!
They were very thankful for our contribution and I pass that THANK YOU on to you all!
Ride to Live, Live to Ride.
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WHEN: 12th and 13th SEPTEMBER
WHO: Christian Soldiers, C1 & C2
Block your calendar on that weekend for some Continuous Good Times!
We will all BIKE to the site, set up camp, get the fire going and start having a good time.
Just like last time, we can empty our saddle bags at camp (all the camping stuff) and then head back into town to grab some GRUB for dinner!
The fee this time is $20 per person.
It was only $10 per person last time we went and that didn't quite cover all the stuff we needed.
Trust me, that is an incredible price for such a great weekend camping trip!
Contact me if you plan to attend.. so we have a head-count for planning.
Blessings to all,
Can't wait to see y'all there!!!!
Pass the word to all the Christian Soldiers - just incase they don't check this website or their email often enough!!!
Ride to Live - Live to Ride
Monday, August 10, 2009

TENNESSEE is right.. we haven't blogged in a while - we have been so busy.
Just yesterday we pulled off a near impossible feat... a POKER RUN!
I honestly don't know how we did it... it was like hearding cats.. but we had 5 stops (imagine that) and all the Christian Soldiers from C1 chipped in and made what turned out to be our best run ever!
A special thank you to HILLBILLY and PO BOY for running registration, TENNESSEE and SHOP RAG for taking on stop #2, KIRK and MUDBONE for running stop #3, I chilled and ate donuts at stop #4. Thank you LEE and PLUG for cooking the food at the final stop #5.
BRUCE AND NICK made a surprise guest appearance just in time to get the last couple burgers!
Poker Runs are awesome! The best hand was a HEART FLUSH and walked away with an brand new iPod Shuffle.
We gave away a TON of door prizes (hundreds of $ worth of stuff) and we earned $770 for the Wounded Warrior project!
Tons of local riding groups were represented!!! - THANK YOU everyone that participated and donated and rode! YOU guys made this happen - so thank you and see ya next time!
Great times were had by all.
Praise the Lord for no accidents and a ton of fun.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Howdy ALL!!!
There is another great RIDE for us all to get together and MAKE SOME NOISE FOR CHRIST!
We are sponsoring a POKER RUN here in a week (AUGUST 9TH) and this is the FLYER!
Get ready for some FUN!
The best advice I can give is this: Be real, be open, be who you are in Christ... which is FREE.
We have been set free and have a place in Heaven set... so since we totally have our ETERNITY taken care of... let's be friends and open and ready to share this HOPE with anyone that asks.
And lets have some fun doing it!
See ya there on the road.
For anyone else out there reading this... COME ENJOY a great ride and some food and friendly faces (most of them). We encourage you to ask questions about eternity and how to get a front row seat in HEAVEN. We'll be there to help and answer any questions we can. Blessings.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Flyer for the RIDE OF THE YEAR
Monday, July 6, 2009
CSCB Camping Trip - June 2009
Camping is for squirrels.. but good times were had by all!!!

For all of you who didn't make it to our AWESOME camping trip this summer - you can look over these photos and wish you had made it... but don't worry... we are going to go again later this fall - so enjoy this for now... but go block out the 12th and 13th of September on your calendars!!!
Group Shot at the site
Meet-up with Po Boy and Rochelle at Ahoski
Loaded up and ready to ROLL!
The Campsite - sweet place to hang out!!!!
Iceman and Heather's digs.
It was AWESOME - only Road Dog saw it!
Blessings to you all.
Plan to attend NEXT Christian Soldiers Camping Trip in SEPTEMBER!!!!!
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